The smell of freshly baked bread fills the house ...

Wish you could enjoy all the aromas that come with baking bread, and getting it hot out of the oven; but a close second is hearty loaf itself. It is real food. When you taste it you know how different it is. Enjoy some today.

Check out our new 7 Grain web page.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why go whole grain?

Healthy diet will not be complete without complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. And the whole grains are a great source of all the above, which makes them a great choice for someone who us serious about healthy living and organic food. Adding whole grains to your daily diet can significantly lower risk of diabetes and other health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease and certain cancers.

Most people eat a lot of grain every day in a form of cereal, bread, crackers deserts and etc. But most of it highly processed and refined and has little or virtually no dietary value for your body. According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans at least half of the grains you eat are supposed to be whole grain. That means that grain has to contain the bran (outer layer of the grain) and germ (the part from which a new plant sprouts), which are usually removed in the milling process. The important nutrients like potassium, selenium and magnesium, and dietary fiber are contained in bran and germ. So we don’t get them by eating white flour that is made out of endosperm, the bulk of the seed which contains minimum of vitamins and minerals. It has fine texture, tastes good, stuffs your stomach, gives bread a longer shelf life but doesn’t give your body what it needs to be healthy and strong.

So next time you are munching on your sandwich think for a moment may be it’s time for you to go whole grain.

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