The smell of freshly baked bread fills the house ...

Wish you could enjoy all the aromas that come with baking bread, and getting it hot out of the oven; but a close second is hearty loaf itself. It is real food. When you taste it you know how different it is. Enjoy some today.

Check out our new 7 Grain web page.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

English Bread Proverbs

Bread is one of the greatest discoveries of a mankind. It’s more than a staple, more than food. Bread is one of the vivid and powerful symbols of life itself in many cultures throughout the world. It’s a symbol of hard and honest labor, hope and wealth. Bread was used in many rituals and accompanied man from birth to his last breath.
When two people broke bread together it meant that they came to agreement and made a covenant. The young couple was showered with grain at the wedding in a sign of fruitful and good marriage. The most honored guests were greeted with a loaf of bread and salt. Bread was given as a gift as a sign of blessing and a good intention. Bread or grain was offered as a sacrifice in religious ceremonies.
That’s why bread is mentioned in proverbs and sayings, games, oaths and curses.

Here’s a small collection of English proverbs about bread. I hope you will find them interesting.

All grief’s with bread are less.
Baked bread must be eaten.
Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.
Give the birds crumbs; God gives you loaves.
If you hate a man eat his bread, if you love him do the same.
Keep him at least three paces distant who hates bread, music and the laugh of a child. — Lavater.
You cannot both eat your cake and have your cake.

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