The smell of freshly baked bread fills the house ...

Wish you could enjoy all the aromas that come with baking bread, and getting it hot out of the oven; but a close second is hearty loaf itself. It is real food. When you taste it you know how different it is. Enjoy some today.

Check out our new 7 Grain web page.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Organic Sprouted Bread

At the markets we offer to try samples of our sprouted bread. It’s dark brown, dense, moist and has unique taste that differs from any other regular bread. Not everybody likes it. But what happens often, if you like it, you love it and would want to eat as often as possible.

So how it’s digger from white flour bread or even our signature 7 Grain Bread? Sprouted bread is made out of red and white wheat kernels and also spelt. Usually on Monday we leave kernels in water for a day and allow them to sprout for 3-4 days. The sprouted kernels are then grounded and baked into the bread.

The sprouted bread is flourless, because we add no additional flour. However it’s not gluten free. It contains natural gluten from wheat. We add no sugar, because the sprouts have natural sweetness, but we add molasses that gives dark brown color, additional flavor and chewy texture. It has no preservative, that is why you have to refrigerate it or freeze.  Our bread can be frozen up to 1 month and even after that it still tastes fresh and delicious. It’s a great healthy snack when served with peanut butter or cream cheese. Or you can serve it for dinner with a hearty soup or stew. When fresh it can be hard to slice it because it’s so moist inside, so it can crumble. You will need a sharp bread knife for it or you can buy already sliced half of the loaf. If you buy a whole loaf you might want to wait couple days and then slice it. It will be much easier when bread is dried up a little.
Sprouted bread is higher in protein and less in carbohydrates then whole grain bread, because some carbs are lost in the sprouting process. Also during growth process some minerals as zinc, iron and magnesium are released from bran. It contains natural vitamin B that is usually removed from white flour during refining. Sprouted bread all whole grain breads contain antioxidants and phytonutrients. One slice which is also one serving has about 4 grams of dietary fiber which is about 15% of daily recommended.
If you are eating sprouted bread regularly it means that you lower your risk of coronary heart disease by 20% to 40%. It also reduced the blood sugar response and increases the glucagon response when compared to eating regular breads. And of course with this amount of fiber it definitely helps your digestion.
But even it’s healthy and all people choose our sprouted bread because of it delicious taste and great texture. Just recently we found a new friend, the lady who bought 6 (six!) loaves of sprouted bread at once. She said that she bought one a week before and her family went crazy over that bread. So her husband told her to make sure to buy enough next week. (Thank you, sir!) They ate five loaves and gave one to their friends as a gift. I personally think it’s a very thoughtful gift.
Well next time when you come to the Covington Farmer’s Market or Camellia City Market try our free samples and see if you like our sprouted bread. 

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