The smell of freshly baked bread fills the house ...

Wish you could enjoy all the aromas that come with baking bread, and getting it hot out of the oven; but a close second is hearty loaf itself. It is real food. When you taste it you know how different it is. Enjoy some today.

Check out our new 7 Grain web page.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fresh Homemade Pasta

If you just start thinking about introducing whole grains into your diet, then 100% organic whole grain homemade pasta is a good way to start. We make it with durum wheat flour, which is the same as saying "whole semolina flour." "Semolina" is another word for "coarsely ground durum wheat." Durum wheat is rich in protein and gluten, that’s why we do not recommend it to people with celiac disease or sensitive to gluten. Also we add some flax seed and a little bit of olive oil to make our pasta more nutritious and healthier.

Fresh whole grain pasta may taste a little bit different to you. It has a little bit heartier coarse texture and a nuttier taste. Our pasta has no preservatives, so you have to eat it quickly or keep it refrigerated up to 1 month. Serving size is 1/2 cup of cooked pasta. There are 4 servings in one pack of 7 Grain Homemade Pasta.

Nutrition facts for 1 serving:
Calories 135
Total Carbohydrates 22 g (8% DV)
Protein 5 g
Dietary Fiber 5 g (20% DV)
Fat > 1g
Whole Grains 1 serving

You should cook your pasta only 2-4 minutes and add your favorite pasta sauce, pesto or fresh vegetables.

There is Russian saying “You can’t get fat on pasta”. Truth is you can. If you eat pasta made of wrong sorts of wheat or just eat it too much.

Eat healthy, stay in shape, enjoy your life. 

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