The smell of freshly baked bread fills the house ...

Wish you could enjoy all the aromas that come with baking bread, and getting it hot out of the oven; but a close second is hearty loaf itself. It is real food. When you taste it you know how different it is. Enjoy some today.

Check out our new 7 Grain web page.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

German Proverbs on Bread and Baking

Lena have learned the art of baking from her German grandmother. Germans are enthusiastic bread lovers and their folklore reflects this. So here's a collection of German practical wisdom on bread, baking and everyday life. 

Alles Brod ist guet, aber Kei Brod ist nit guet.
[All bread is good, but no bread is not good.]

Brot and Wein giebt auch eine suppe.
[Bread and wine make a meal.]

Besser ein Stuck Brot in der Kiepe, als eine Feder auf dem Hut.
[Better a bit of bread in the hand than a feather in the hat.]

Ein Ei einer Stundt, Brot eines Tags, Wein eines Jahrs alt is ihre best.
[An egg of an hour, bread of a day, and wine of a year are the best.]

Eine Mühle, die nicht umgeht, ein Backofen, der nicht heiss ist, und eine Mutter, die nicht gern daheim ist, sind unwerth.
[A mill that will not go, an oven that will not heat, and a mother who is never at home are worthless.]

Fleiss bringt Brot, Faulheit bringt noth.
[Industry brings bread, laziness brings want.]

Noth sucht Brot wo es sich findet.
[Necessity seeks bread where it is to be found.]

Wer ein Bäcker werden will, gibt keinen Maler.
[Who will be a baker will not be an artist.]

Wer feuerscheu ist, soll kein Bäcker werden.
[Who is afraid of fire should not be a baker.]

Wer Käse ohne Brod esse, er Komme in den Laus turn. 
[Who eats cheese without bread becomes a beggar.]

Wer kein Glück hat, dem verbrennt das Brod in Ofen.
[Who has no luck his bread burns in the oven.] 

And that never ever happens with us. So we must have a good luck. :)

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